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Ad Tech &Programmatic Newsletter – July 30th 2021

Welcome to this week’s edition of The Yieldbird Digest!

Does your company avail of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence? They are fast becoming the driving force behind Publisher planning and innovation; and are now being incorporated into processes and set-ups. “These new technologies are the new printing press,” says María Florencia Coelho, New Media Research Manager with La Nación in Argentina, commenting on the AI / ML trends report, just published by International Media Support.

We are supporters of this approach, because we can see how much can be gained by using these solutions. And in support of our own stance, we present here our own Publisher case study involving Machine Learning.

In other features, we discuss Google’s Privacy Sandbox rollout, coming a month after the announcement that 3rd party cookies will be with us for some time yet. What is more, IAB Europe shares insights from its Contextual Advertising analysis.

Happy reading!

Marta Todorczuk, Marketing Manager / Yieldbird

Tools that can “supercharge the modern news media”: How publishers are using AI in emerging markets
Estimated reading time ~ 6 minute

A new report by International Media Support (IMS), in collaboration with The Fix and El Clip, looks into how 44 publishers across 20 countries in Latin America and Central and Eastern Europe are using AI.

How Teleman increased RPM by 25% using PriceGenius Automated Pricing Solution?
Estimated reading time ~ 4 minutes

PriceGenius was created by Yieldbird in order to enable Publishers to efficiently manage their pricing policy through the automated matching of pricing rules.

Google publishes detailed timeline for Privacy Sandbox rollout in Chrome
Estimated reading time ~ 3 minutes

Google was originally planning to phase out third-party cookies within two years of its 2020 announcement. That’s now set to take place over a three-month period, starting in mid-2023 and ending in late 2023.

After going public via a SPAC, Taboola acquires e-commerce marketing network Connexity for $800M/
Estimated reading time ~ 5 minutes

Taboola, the company that operates a popular grid-based advertising and content recommendation network across media properties, announced an acquisition to expand its reach further into e-commerce.

Why Buyer-SSP partnerships are the next programmatic evolution
Estimated reading time ~ 5 minutes
Beyond assessing the cost and efficiency of supply paths, many buying organizations are exploring preferred partnerships with the supply sources.

For Your Consideration
Free Yieldbird Webinars on Programmatic, AdTech and Digital Advertising

IAB Europe released its ‘Guide to Contextual Advertising’ to provide further education on alternatives to third-party cookies and to help planners and buyers of media navigate this solution.

Ad tech FAQ
Are there any best practices to enhance revenue in Ad Exchange?

What are the steps that you take to figures out the cause of a general discrepancy?

Implementing Ad Refresh
Number of the week
44% of consumers have tried a new brand due to seeing a relevant ad alongside a piece of content they were consuming

44% of consumers have tried a new brand due to seeing a relevant ad alongside a piece of content they were consuming.

Source: IAB Europe

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