How To Understand Media Buyers’ Needs in Programmatic?
Advertisers create and impose the rules of the market. Therefore, understanding Media Buyers and meeting their requirements is essential for building a successful business. And so, the focal point of optimization needs to intertwine with conversion in order to enrich the overall perspective.
Table of contents
The right audience is a key to success
Ad must be viewed not only showed
Understand metrics to understand media buyers
Knowing an inventory can lead to a better deal
Both publishers and media buyers need to understand each other
The right audience is a key to success
Since Programmatic ad creatives involve dynamic ads that take a real-time approach, it is crucial to deliver ads to the right audience. Not only do demographics define your audience but it is also essential to get to know the user in order to develop a target audience empathy. The majority of Publishers provide buyers with an option to set up targeting on the Publisher side, which gives the buyers access to unique data, which is also inaccessible to others.
Consequently, gathering demographic and behavioral data with all leads, such as e-mail addresses, phone numbers, etc., allows buyers to hone in on a targeted audience; meaning that the campaign has a much better chance of being successful. Moreover, due to the high demand for retargeting, there is a need for Publishers’ data, since Publishers have the possibility of redirecting Advertising to users who have already seen or liked the content Publishers once shared.
Ad must be viewed not only showed
Even though ad viewability is not a brand-new concept in the Advertising industry, today it is an essential metric since it refers to the likelihood that an ad has been viewed by an actual human user. With it being crucial to standardize the viewability metric for ad campaigns on the market, the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) came up with the definition of a viewability metric, a metric that could be acknowledged as the market standard:
- At least 50% of the display ad is in view for 1 second
- At least 50% of the video ad is in view for 2 consecutive seconds
Nevertheless, the IAB’s viewability definition left marketers in disagreement, because more and more brands and agencies began to introduce their standards relating directly to the products advertised by them or the advertising formats being used. Currently, viewability measurements are not restricted to the IAB standard, since they have become more individualized (80%/10s for video, for instance).
It is quite important to gather data from the clients or the market regarding the viewability level required for several products, such as display, video, and rich media. This allows the Publisher to optimize the inventory so that it meets the market standards.
Understand metrics to understand media buyers
Undoubtedly, Programmatic is one of the most important branches in marketing, since, via Programmatic channels, Advertisers can convey the right message to the right person on the right device at the right time. Since generating sales is the most important key metric for Advertisers, Publishers should work on the clickability of the inventory sold. CTR is quite an important metric for every Publisher to measure because higher click-through rates mean having more opportunities to close a deal.
Nevertheless, high CTR or a great deal of clicks does not guarantee a satisfactory number of conversions; and conversion rate can tell a lot about the quality of traffic on several Publishers. It is quite crucial to take those metrics into account, whilst remembering that not all of them are dependent on each other. Always ask the media buyer what are the main campaign’s key performance indicators, because if the campaigns are already gathering enough conversations, then there may be no need to focus on the clicks.
Knowing an inventory can lead to a better deal
To come up with something exclusive for the Advertiser, it is worth testing whether the inventory is performing quite well, taking all the restrictions on both Publishers’ and the Buyers’ sides into consideration. Therefore, the A/B test could be a great opportunity to identify whether Publishers are meeting Advertisers’ key performance indicators, whilst still retaining enough capacity to serve the ads.
Setting up deals with quite similar parameters, thus changing one or a couple of sets for them in order to achieve differentiation, can indicate whether there is scope for growth. The following strategy can help several Publishers to get to know the Advertiser better, to take a closer look at the Advertisers’ needs and requirements, and to understand the difficulties they may face.
Furthermore, one of the most effective ways of checking whether retargeting delivers an ROI is to run a proper A/B test in order to examine the uplift from the retargeted group against new users.
Both publishers and media buyers need to understand each other
To sum up, it is pivotal to have open and clear communication with the client, because it might help both publishers and media buyers understand each other’s needs and possibilities better. Remember, each Advertiser or media house has its specific requirements that need to be met, therefore the Publisher’s Programmatic offer should be exclusive for each client.