Self-Served Formats
for Rising Publishers

Easy to Implement Monetization Solution for Professional Small-Sized Publishers.

Self-served formats for small publishers
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How can small publishers monetize websites?

Are you looking for Simplified Monetization?

Self-served formats are perfect for rising publishers with great potential, who wish to quickly implement new ad formats, with no further maintenance. Is this an idea for you? Check for which publisher profile this solution was created:
Your AdSense / AdX revenue is >500 USD per month.
You've already taken your first steps in monetizing your inventory. Now you want to earn more without compromising on quality.
You focus on scaling up your business.
You are a rising publisher, thus it’s not profitable for you to hire a full outsourced programmatic team. You are committed to creating and delivering high-quality content to your readers.
Your resources are limited.
You don’t have a lot of technical support, so you want ad formats that can be quickly and easily implemented and require no maintenance.

Key Benefits of self-served formats

Our goal is to provide our clients with problem-solving answers in an effective, responsive and transparent way. Self-Served Formats are created to support Small and Medium Business in increasing their revenue.
Little to no maintenance.
After you implement the self-served formats, your work is done. You don’t require any technical support.
No additional ad serving costs.
Serving self-served formats doesn’t require any ongoing maintenance or support.
Standardized to work in various ad setups.
No matter what your setup is, you will find a self-served format that will work for you.
Once you implement the self-served formats, you simply sit back, relax and watch your revenue grow.
Automated ads for Growing Publishers

standardized products for quick and easy implementation

We offer 4 types of ad formats to add to your inventory, that provide high viewability and seamless UX. You can choose from:
Interstitial ads for small publishers
Interstitial ads:

interactive, full-screen ads that cover the interface of the website between pageviews thus they appear at natural transition points.

Anchor ads for small publishers
Anchor ads:

overlay ads which stay at the bottom of the page regardless of scrolling.

Half sticky display ads for small publishers
Half sticky ads:

stay afloat on the sidebars of the website when a user is viewing the content.

Instream video ads player for small publishers
Instream video ads:

use contextual matching, meaning that the video ad matches the content of the website.

Let's get started! Tell us about your business and submit the application:

    First name
    Last name
    Company Name
    Your name

    If You have own a GAM account please provide:
    GAM network code (it's a unique number that identifies an Ad Manager network, it can be found under the "Network settings" section of the "Admin" tab)

    E-mail address to be used for this purpose (if you already own GAM account, this e-mail address needs to be associated with this GAM account):

    If you don't have your own GAM account please provide us with e-mail address associated with an Admin user of AdSense or AdMob account

    Domain URL

    Please provide your website(s) traffic statistics (Google Analytics screenshots). Go to -> reports -> audience -> overview -> select metric "Pageviews" for the last 30 days (.csv, .pdf, .jpeg, .png).

    My domain(s) generate ... from programmatic ads (AdSense/Adx) monthly:

    Of which three geos does your site get the most traffic?

    Do you currently work with any other partner that provides you with Google ads other than AdSense (Adx demand partner)?

    Do you have a Consent Management Platform (please specify which CMP you use, or answer "No CMP")

    Which of Yieldbird's solutions are you looking to implement (multiple choice)? Please see the attachement 'Solution presentation' for details about solutions:


    Your revenue will be paid out once a month through a transfer to your bank account. Bank transfer is the only payment method available. Please note that you will be eligible for the revenue payment only when your revenue reaches above 250 EUR / 300 USD / 1 000 PLN / 20 000 RUB. For example, if your account reached $50 in the month of February, you will receive your payment the month when your revenue reached the $300 payment threshold.

    Please provide your bank account number and banking information below (we do not allow any other forms of payment than bank transfer):

    Please select the currency of remuneration:

    Business Model: We work on a revenue share basis of 15% from all revenue managed by Yieldbird

    Please review and accept our Terms & Conditions

    During the term of the cooperation, Yieldbird is entitled to be the only third-party partner using Google Ad Exchange demand.

    I hereby agree to the processing of my personal data for onboarding purposes.

    By signing up I agree to receive commercial information from Yieldbird Sp. z o.o. with its registered office at ul. Czerska 8/10, Warsaw (Data Controller). I am aware that my personal data will be processed on the basis of my consent and that I can revoke my consent at any time. The controller processes my personal data in accordance with the Privacy Policy. I have the right to access, rectify, erase and restrict the processing of my personal data. Furthermore, I have the right to lodge a complaint with a supervisory authority, transfer my personal data and object to the processing of my personal data.