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Yieldbird in 2020: Challenges and Achievements

Starting 2021, we feel ready to take on the new business challenges that this year brings. This is due to the fact that the previous year was for us – despite the global situation – a year of development, change and recognition. Let’s briefly recap the key events for which we are grateful:

Joining International News Media Association

We became a proud member of the International News Media Association. INMA is the world’s leading provider of global best practices for news media companies looking to grow revenue, audience, and brand.

Active participation in INMA activities, as well as our membership in IAB Europe and the Google Certified Publishing Partner program, is a unique opportunity for us to reach Publishers around the world with our solutions and support.

Industry nominations and awards

Our publisher solutions were recognized noticed by the digital advertising industry. In 2020 Yieldbird was among the nominees in the Sell-side innovation category in The Drum Digital Advertising Awards Europe and among the finalists in the Best Programmatic Consulting Or Advisory Firm category in The AdExchanger Awards

We also received a nomination for the Polish Intelligent Development Award 2020 in the category “Innovative technologies of the future“.

Moreover, We received an exceptional award in the ad tech industry – the title of Google Change Agent. The award was granted to us for development and educational activities around the new reporting tool – Yieldbird Insights.

Solutions for the challenges ahead

In October 2020, together with Adform, Gazeta.pl, Starcom and Grupa Żywiec we carried out a first successful advertising campaign based solely on 1st Party Cookies.

This accomplishment has paved the way for solutions to a key problem in digital marketing relating to the elimination of 3rd party cookies for browser engines.

Sharing knowledge more than ever

Without the opportunity to participate in face-to-face meetings, our experts actively and willingly shared their knowledge using various virtual opportunities. We were speakers at key industry events (such as IAB Europe’s Virtual Programmatic Day or Data Science Summit 2020), and as members of the IAB Programmatic Trading Committee, we have co-created Guide to Supply Path Optimization (SPO).

We also organized a virtual edition of our flagship event, Yieldfest, which we devoted to discussions on the best practices of how to manage inventory monetization efficiently in the pandemic world of 2020. The event was attended and watched by several hundred people!

What 2021 will bring?

It will be another year full of changes for the ad tech industry. However, we look at it with great optimism. All regulations and standards have a higher goal – this goal is a balance between the expectations of the Publishers and the well-being of Users. We plan to put our efforts primarily into the further development of the product offer, so that it not only comprehensively responds to the daily needs of Publishers, but also provides the Yield Management and AdOps teams with relevant data, so they are able to build long-term strategies more effectively.

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