How-to Guides, Publisher's viewpoint

Yieldbird’s AdOps Team Won the Wires 2021 Award by ExchangeWire!

With over 250 clients worldwide, is it possible to maintain a balance between process automation and a personal approach to emerging problems?

For the past 13 years, our Yieldbird AdOPs team has been proving that this balance is eminently achievable. Our team, comprising eight people, demonstrates every day that in a highly technological industry as AdTech, you can deliver outstanding performance by simply adding a dash of the personal touch to innovative technical solutions. Compared to other AdOps teams, which are mostly responsible for trafficking advertising campaigns and reactively responding to emerging technical errors, the Yieldbird AdOps team proactively supports Publishers, both in continuous and ad hoc processes. We are happy that ExchangeWire appreciated our uniqueness!

With a focus on ad tech and martech, The Wires Global celebrates the use of technology, expertise, and innovation within the industry.

Currently, the team not only ensures the smooth operation of our client setups, but also assists with and supports our standalone products (QuickWrap – Header Bidding Wrapper, or the PriceGenius – Automated UPR Pricing Solution); and the team also responds to Publishers needs 24/7, offering dedicated support services: Blocking (blocking unwanted Advertisers to provide Publishers with brand safety) and Tech Support.

Bartlomiej Balinski - Yieldbird

The fact that currently our offer is holistic and allows us to offer Publishers solutions to all problems in the area of ​​website monetization is largely due to the fact that we have an AdOps team prepared to take on special tasks – a team that is not afraid to come up with unique solutions, is able to prepare an experiment scenario and efficiently conduct tests, and at the same time is able and willing to cooperate with other teams

Bartłomiej Baliński, AdOps Team Manager at Yieldbird

The Yieldbird AdOps team is distinguished by its knowledge of highly diversified setups and creative technical solutions – this is the result of the fact that Publishers can use our support on the basis of their outsourcing to experts. This addresses their needs most effectively, whilst supporting a natural learning path for our employees. As a result, our team is constantly developing. Indeed, team satisfaction is indicated by the fact that we have one of the lowest levels of personnel changes (not counting new recruitments) as compared to other companies in the same industry.

Karol Jurga, Head of Business, collecting the trophy at The Wires Awards 2021 gala, London Stadium, Photographer BronacMcNeill

Yieldbird AdOps Team supports over 250 medium and large digital Publishers from over 40 countries. Our offer includes advisory support (aimed at giving Publishers a better understanding of their current status and actionable recommendations) as well as tools and services that directly support the monetization of websites.

Would you like to meet The Best AdOps Team? Check Expert Services from our Revenue Package and get benefits from the experience and expertise of Yieldbird AdOps, Analysts, and Data Scientists!

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